How Evil Are You?
b66a592 How Evil Are You? How Evil Are You? Everyone has a bit of bad in them. Take this quiz to find out how much of a devil you are!

To which Biblical teaching do you subscribe most often to?

To which Biblical teaching do you subscribe most often to?
  • 'Turn the other cheek'
  • 'An eye for an eye'
  • 'Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.'

Do you think it's correct to do something dishonest as long as 'the ends justify the means?'

Do you think it's correct to do something dishonest as long as 'the ends justify the means?'
  • Yes
  • Yes, but only in serious circumstances
  • No

Which word describes you best?

Which word describes you best?
  • Fun-Loving
  • Ambitious
  • Optimistic
  • Relaxed

If someone offered you $10,000 to spy on your own family members, would you accept the job?

If someone offered you $10,000 to spy on your own family members, would you accept the job?
  • Yes, that's a lot of money.
  • Yes, only if they wouldn't use the information for bad things.
  • No, I can't be dishonest to my family members.

Have you ever sought revenge on someone after they did you wrong?

Have you ever sought revenge on someone after they did you wrong?
  • Yes, I've run a revenge plot or two.
  • Yes, I thought about it but never acted on it.
  • No, revenge isn't my kind of thing.

Which safari animal matches your personality best?

Which safari animal matches your personality best?
  • Cheetah
  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Giraffe

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how much of an adrenaline junkie are you?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how much of an adrenaline junkie are you?
  • 1-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-10

Which career field have you always dreamed of working in?

Which career field have you always dreamed of working in?
  • Politics
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Education
  • Science

What do you dream about most often?

What do you dream about most often?
  • Familiar people
  • Flying
  • Ruling the world
  • Monsters

You are given the opportunity to get a job promotion. However, you must first beat out another co-worker to get into your boss's good graces. How far would you go to win?

You are given the opportunity to get a job promotion. However, you must first beat out another co-worker to get into your boss's good graces. How far would you go to win?
  • I'd want it to be a fair and square competition
  • I'd do anything to get on top
  • I'm not very sure, actually