Do You Have A Beautiful Mind?
b6951fe Do You Have A Beautiful Mind? Do You Have A Beautiful Mind? The human brain is one of the most powerful tools in all of nature. Some of us have minds that are truly extraordinary. Do you ever wonder if you have a beautiful mind? One worthy of study or even accolades? Let this quiz decide!

What are you most likely to think about before bed each night?

What are you most likely to think about before bed each night?
  • The nature of existence.
  • My always growing to-do list.
  • Those I care for the most.

Where did you gain most of your values from?

Where did you gain most of your values from?
  • Books/teachers
  • My parents
  • My faith

You see a mother and child interacting on the street. How do you feel?

You see a mother and child interacting on the street. How do you feel?
  • In awe of their special bond.
  • Oblivious, I wouldn't even notice.
  • Touched by the warmth.

You've booked a vacation to the middle of nowhere. What are you most likely to bring?

You've booked a vacation to the middle of nowhere. What are you most likely to bring?
  • A professional camera
  • Binoculars
  • A drone
  • A map

How would you describe your work desk?

How would you describe your work desk?
  • A bit chaotic but filled with personal touches.
  • Extremely neat and well organized.
  • Covered with photos and trinkets.

Be honest, small talk makes you feel...

Be honest, small talk makes you feel...
  • Nervous, I avoid it at all costs.
  • Bored, it's never any fun.
  • Exhilarated, I love chatting with new people.

Which of these best describes your circle of friends?

Which of these best describes your circle of friends?
  • Deep thinkers.
  • Divergent thinkers.
  • Risk takers.

What actually gives a life meaning?

What actually gives a life meaning?
  • Success
  • Family and friends
  • Attitude and optimism

What breed of dog would you have?

What breed of dog would you have?
  • Boxer
  • Dachshund
  • Labrador

What is the highest virtue to which a human being can aspire?

What is the highest virtue to which a human being can aspire?
  • To reach one's overall intellectual potential.
  • To really see things for what they are.
  • To be remembered fondly.