20% of Americans Have A Red Personality. What Color Are You?
b6a24de 20% of Americans Have A Red Personality. What Color Are You? 20% of Americans Have A Red Personality. What Color Are You? When it comes to personality, 20% of all Americans test as the color red. Do you know what color your personality is? Take this 10 question and quiz and find out!

When faced with a big project at home or work, you're:

When faced with a big project at home or work, you're:
  • Typically panicked
  • Goal driven
  • Scanning for new ideas
  • Making it a group affair

When someone asks for a favor, you:

When someone asks for a favor, you:
  • Want to know what I'm getting in return.
  • Say yes without hesitation.
  • Say yes but instantly regret offering help.
  • Tell them I'll get back to them later.

You're stuck in traffic. What's your move?

You're stuck in traffic. What's your move?
  • Honk tirelessly
  • Turn up the music and sing
  • Drift into a daydream
  • Seethe
  • Use it as an opportunity to slow down

You move into a house that needs some TLC. Which room do you renovate first?

You move into a house that needs some TLC. Which room do you renovate first?
  • The bathroom
  • The kitchen
  • The living room
  • The master bedroom
  • The dining room

What's your favorite type of ethnic cuisine?

What's your favorite type of ethnic cuisine?
  • Italian
  • Thai
  • Chinese
  • Mexican
  • French

How do you like to relax?

How do you like to relax?
  • I practice yoga
  • I go to a shooting range
  • I bake
  • I take a bubble bath
  • I watch TV
  • I go for a walk

Someone's spreading a rumor about you at work. What do you do?

Someone's spreading a rumor about you at work. What do you do?
  • I confront them face to face
  • I send them an email asking them to stop
  • I try to clear my good name
  • I hold my head high and ignore it

In a word, you can be summed up as...

In a word, you can be summed up as...
  • Happy
  • Independent
  • Driven
  • Calm
  • Dramatic

Choose a fruit:

Choose a fruit:
  • Apples
  • Pomegranites
  • Blueberries
  • Lemons
  • Grapes

What do you most want to find at the end of the rainbow?

What do you most want to find at the end of the rainbow?
  • Keys to a luxury sedan
  • A host of golden retriever puppies
  • My family
  • A beach
  • Inner peace