What Kind Of Heart Do You Have?
What Kind Of Heart Do You Have?
What type of heart do you hold?
What do you tend to think about most?

- My dreams
- How to be happy
- Way too many things
- How I can help others
- Other
What would you do if you passed by a homeless man on the street?

- Give him some change
- Buy him some food
- Give him a lot of money
- Try to be company for him
- I'm not sure
Would you tend to think of yourself as a cold or warm person?

Do you ever give random strangers compliments?

- All the time
- Not usually
- Rarely
How do you usually try to cheer up friends when they're sad?

- Give them a shoulder to cry on
- Compliment them
- Talk deeply with them
- Give them advice
- I try to give them space
How would your friends most likely describe you?

- Adventurous
- Spiritual
- Kind
- Loyal
- Thoughtful
How do you feel about romantic relationships?

- I'm not a fan
- I love them
- I love being in one
- I'm indifferent about it
Do you ever like to spend time alone meditating or reflecting on things?

- Definitely
- I've never tried it
- It's alright
- I'm not a fan
What do you tend to do for others?

- I lend a helping hand
- I compliment them
- I help them with problems
- Others
Are you big on traveling?

- Absolutely
- Somewhat
- Not really