What Will Your Life Be Like In Two Years?
What Will Your Life Be Like In Two Years?
What does life hold for you?
How long have you been in your job?

- Under a year
- 1-5 years
- 6-10 years
- 10-20 years
- 20+ years
Are you currently in a romantic relationship?

- Yes I am
- No I'm not
- It's complicated
Do you have any children?

Have you ever traveled outside the country?

- Not at all
- Once or twice
- Never
Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut?

Do you have big plans for your life?

- Yes I do
- Not really
- No I don't
Who knows you best?

- My kids
- My significant other
- My friends
- Myself
- Other
Do you live life with regrets?

How do you feel about where you live?

- I hate it
- It's tolerable
- I love it
Are you a passionate person?

- Yes I am
- No I'm not
- It depends