How Employable Are You Really?
b8ceeb6 How Employable Are You Really? How Employable Are You Really? Working and holding down a job are just two necessary aspects of adulthood. We all have to do it, yet some of us do it a bit better than others! When it comes to getting a job, how employable are you really? Would any company or business fell lucky to have you on their team? Let's find out with just a few enlightening questions!

When do you generally show up at work?

When do you generally show up at work?
  • At least a half hour before start time.
  • An hour before start time.
  • 15 minutes before start time.
  • Right on time or a little late.

Once you're on the clock, what's the first thing you do?

Once you're on the clock, what's the first thing you do?
  • Grab a cup of coffee.
  • Chit chat with my co-workers.
  • Check my email.
  • Organize what I need to do.

You're having a bit of trouble getting motivated. How do you fix this?

You're having a bit of trouble getting motivated. How do you fix this?
  • Just force myself to get started.
  • Take a little walk.
  • Let myself have a break.
  • Start with the easiest task first.

A co-worker keeps sending you memes, but you're swamped with work. What do you do?

A co-worker keeps sending you memes, but you're swamped with work. What do you do?
  • Ignore them, I'll look at them later.
  • Look at them and respond with more.
  • Send a smiley face email so they know I got them.
  • Ask them to stop.

Lets say you are running late. Which excuse would you use?

Lets say you are running late. Which excuse would you use?
  • Stuck in traffic.
  • Feeling sick.
  • My grandmother died.
  • I would just tell the truth.

How do you feel about interviews?

How do you feel about interviews?
  • I feel totally calm and chill.
  • I'm just my honest self, that's it.
  • The very thought makes me sweat.
  • I hate them with a passion.

How's your work ethic?

How's your work ethic?
  • It's strong, I don't stop until I complete a task.
  • I tend to work a lot of overtime!
  • It's about average.
  • I might procrastinate too much.

What's your hygiene like?

What's your hygiene like?
  • 10/10 I like to look very put together.
  • 8/10 I shower almost every day.
  • 6/10, sometimes I'm too tired to care.
  • Let's not talk about that...

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Running the show, hopefully.
  • Kicking butt and making dough.
  • Traveling the world.
  • Holding down a steady job, hopefully.

Have you ever actually been fired?

Have you ever actually been fired?
  • Yes, more than once.
  • Yes, but it wasn't my fault.
  • Nope, but I have been laid off.
  • Not a chance!