What Is Your Perfect Job?
What Is Your Perfect Job?
Take this to reveal which profession fits you like a glove.
How many hours are you willing to work?

- Part time
- Full time
- Around the clock
- None of these
Would you be willing to be on call?

- Yes
- Maybe
- No
- I don't know
Do you like children?

- I love them
- They're ok
- Adults are mostly just big babies
- I prefer them to adults
- Not really
- None of these
How important is your salary?

- The most important thing
- Pretty important
- One of the important things
- Not as important as feeling fulfilled
- Not as important as making a difference
- I don't know
How well do you handle the sight of blood?

- It doesn't bother me
- It makes me a little squeamish
- I avoid it if I can but will help if nobody else is available
- I feel responsible to help out
- None of these
Which type of Television series is the most engaging for you?

- Crime Dramas like Law & Order
- Medical Dramas like ER
- Family Comedies like Everybody Loves Raymond
- Teen Dramadies like Glee
- Workplace Comedies like The Office
- None of These
What is more important?

- Time for vacations
- Money to afford vacations
- I don't really take vacations
- None of these
How important to you is the approval of others?

- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
- I don't know
How much schooling have you (or would be willing to) completed?

- Less than a Bachelors
- Bachelors
- Masters
- Doctorate
- None of these
Who was your favorite boss from "The Office"

- Michael Scott
- Dwight Shrute
- Andy Bernard
- Jan Levinson
- None of these