Who Is Your Game Of Thrones Husband?
Who Is Your Game Of Thrones Husband?
Who in Westeros is your one true love?
What quality is important for your husband to have?

- Loyalty
- Fearlessness
- Compassion
- Honesty
- Other
What hair color do you prefer on your man?

- Blonde
- Black
- Brunette
- Red
Do you prefer a wise and intelligent man or a strong and fearless man?

- Wise and intelligent
- Strong and fearless
- Neither
Which house do you want to marry into?

- Lannister
- Stark
- Targaryen
- I don't care
How do you feel about weddings!

- I absolutely hate them
- I love them
- They're okay
Which is most important to you?

- Power
- Peace
- Money
- Family
- Honor
You can't resist a guy who is:

- Romantic
- Passionate
- Powerful
- Sweet
- Smart
Do you prefer your man to be an open book or more mysterious?

- An open book
- Mysterious
- I'm unsure
What do you do when you like a guy?

- Flirt shamelessly
- Tease him
- Play hard to get
- Get incredibly shy
- Other
Pick one of the 7 deadly sins

- Greed
- Pride
- Lust
- Laziness
- Envy
- Wrath
- Gluttony