What Do Your Choices Say About You?
bb17184 What Do Your Choices Say About You? What Do Your Choices Say About You? The choices we make and the things we say reflect on our personality 100%. Do you know what your choices are saying about you? Take these 10 questions and find out!

If you could only choose one of these destinations to visit, which would you choose?

If you could only choose one of these destinations to visit, which would you choose?
  • Sydney
  • Paris
  • Rome
  • Los Angeles
  • Ireland

Which occupation would make you feel fulfilled and content?

Which occupation would make you feel fulfilled and content?
  • Doctor
  • Artist
  • Writer
  • Actress
  • Teacher
  • Other

If you could only have one superpower, which power would you want to have?

If you could only have one superpower, which power would you want to have?
  • Flight
  • Invisibility
  • Teleportation
  • Shapeshifting
  • Immortality
  • Other

What type of YouTube videos make you the happiest?

What type of YouTube videos make you the happiest?
  • Cat videos
  • Baby videos
  • Funny fails
  • Music videos
  • Tutorials
  • Other

Which animal would you most like to own as a pet?

Which animal would you most like to own as a pet?
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Rabbit
  • Pig
  • Hamster
  • Other

What kind of kid were you while in school?

What kind of kid were you while in school?
  • Class clown
  • Class rebel
  • Class know it all
  • Class loner
  • Class athlete
  • Other

Which deadly sin are you most likely to be punished for?

Which deadly sin are you most likely to be punished for?
  • Gluttony
  • Envy
  • Lust
  • Greed
  • Sloth
  • Other

What's the worst thing you got in trouble for as a teenager?

What's the worst thing you got in trouble for as a teenager?
  • Staying out too late
  • Being caught drinking
  • Failing in school
  • Hanging out with a bad crowd
  • Talking back
  • Other

When choosing a college, what was your prime consideration?

When choosing a college, what was your prime consideration?
  • The classes/teachers
  • The quality of the dining hall
  • The party scene
  • The cost
  • The location
  • Other

How do you choose your outfits every morning?

How do you choose your outfits every morning?
  • Based on my mood
  • Based on the weather
  • Based on what's clean
  • Based on what's comfortable
  • Based on where I'm going
  • Other