In The School Of Life, What Kind Of Student Are You?
bc198f0 In The School Of Life, What Kind Of Student Are You? In The School Of Life, What Kind Of Student Are You? In the school of life, we're all just learning as we go and doing the best we can. Ever wondered what kind of student you are when it comes to life? How do you learn along the way? Let the results be your guide!

Do you focus more on the past, the present or the future?

Do you focus more on the past, the present or the future?
  • The past, I just can't let it go.
  • The present, there's only "now."
  • The future, I can't wait to see what happens!

In school, your teachers often said that you were very what?

In school, your teachers often said that you were very what?
  • Reflective
  • Social
  • Bright
  • Sensitive
  • Creative

That big presentation you made for work was a total flop. What did you take away from the experience?

That big presentation you made for work was a total flop. What did you take away from the experience?
  • To try even harder next time.
  • That life is unpredictable.
  • That no one understands me.
  • That I'll just have to think outside the box.
  • That you win some and you lose some.

Do you make an effort to celebrate life's accomplishments and milestones with your friends?

Do you make an effort to celebrate life's accomplishments and milestones with your friends?
  • As often as I can, I don't always have time.
  • Always, I can make time if I have to.
  • For the most part, even from afar.
  • Hardly ever, I tend to get a bit jealous.

In school were you more of a visual or auditory learner?

In school were you more of a visual or auditory learner?
  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Something else

When things are quiet, you tend to think about...

When things are quiet, you tend to think about...
  • All of my past mistakes.
  • My to-do list.
  • Those I love most.
  • How I feel.
  • All that is yet to come.

Do you think learning is best done through experience?

Do you think learning is best done through experience?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

Most of your values came from....

Most of your values came from....
  • Books or TV
  • Teachers
  • Church
  • Family
  • Friends

If you were wrong about something, how hard would it be for you to admit your mistake?

If you were wrong about something, how hard would it be for you to admit your mistake?
  • Very hard, I hate admitting I was wrong.
  • A little bit hard.
  • It would depend on the situation.
  • Not hard at all, I know when to admit fault.

Do you often find yourself thinking that the grass is greener on the other side?

Do you often find yourself thinking that the grass is greener on the other side?
  • Always, it's hard not to.
  • Every now and then, when life is tough.
  • Not really, I'm very content.