How American Are You?
How American Are You?
Do you have your American stripes?
Do you know what the national anthem is?

- Yankee Doodle
- America The Beautiful
- Star Spangled Banner
How do you feel about guns?

- I absolutely hate them
- I don't hate them but I don't want one
- I love them
Are you proud of your country?

- Absolutely
- I'm am sometimes
- Not really
- Not at all
Do you celebrate America's national holidays?

- Of course
- Only a few of them
- No I don't
How do you feel about people joining the military?

- It's dumb
- It's heroic
- It's lazy
- It's brave
Do you vote?

- Always
- Only in major elections
- No I don't really care
Do you own an American flag?

- Who doesn't?
- I use to
- No and I don't want one
You prefer to drink your beer out of:

- A frosty mug
- The can or bottle
- Red solo cups
What do you like best about America?

- The freedom
- The diversity
- The culture
- Nothing
How do you feel about flag burning?

- It's a sin
- It should be banned
- It makes a strong point