How American Are You?
c09a9c0 How American Are You? How American Are You? Do you have your American stripes?

Do you know what the national anthem is?

Do you know what the national anthem is?
  • Yankee Doodle
  • America The Beautiful
  • Star Spangled Banner

How do you feel about guns?

How do you feel about guns?
  • I absolutely hate them
  • I don't hate them but I don't want one
  • I love them

Are you proud of your country?

Are you proud of your country?
  • Absolutely
  • I'm am sometimes
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Do you celebrate America's national holidays?

Do you celebrate America's national holidays?
  • Of course
  • Only a few of them
  • No I don't

How do you feel about people joining the military?

How do you feel about people joining the military?
  • It's dumb
  • It's heroic
  • It's lazy
  • It's brave

Do you vote?

Do you vote?
  • Always
  • Only in major elections
  • No I don't really care

Do you own an American flag?

Do you own an American flag?
  • Who doesn't?
  • I use to
  • No and I don't want one

You prefer to drink your beer out of:

You prefer to drink your beer out of:
  • A frosty mug
  • The can or bottle
  • Red solo cups

What do you like best about America?

What do you like best about America?
  • The freedom
  • The diversity
  • The culture
  • Nothing

How do you feel about flag burning?

How do you feel about flag burning?
  • It's a sin
  • It should be banned
  • It makes a strong point