What Planet Are You Actually From?
What Planet Are You Actually From?
Is Mars perhaps your home planet?
Favorite color?

- Blue
- Green
- Orange
- Red
- Other
Which season do you prefer?

- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer
Which word describes you best?

- Calm
- Unique
- Hot headed
- Laid back
Do you get sunburn easily?

- Very easily
- Somewhat
- Not at all
Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day?

- Yes, I can never get everything done
- I like the days how they are
- No, the days are already too long
Do you look forward to your birthday?

What kind of weather do you like?

- All different kinds of weather
- Rainy
- Hot and humid
Pick an element

What do people usually see you as?

- Intelligent
- Compassionate
- A leader
- I'm not sure
What is most important to you?

- Family
- Love
- Power
- I'm not sure