What Percent Feminine And Masculine Is Your Personality?
c4585a8 What Percent Feminine And Masculine Is Your Personality? What Percent Feminine And Masculine Is Your Personality? Every personality has both masculine and feminine attributes, but which side actually dominates you? Want to know what percent masculine and feminine you are? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

When you go grocery shopping, do you have a list?

When you go grocery shopping, do you have a list?
  • Yes, I write out a list and use coupons.
  • I have some stuff stored on my phone.
  • I make a list but usually forget it.
  • I never take a list.

Your friends ask you to bring something to their Super Bowl party. What are you dishing up?

Your friends ask you to bring something to their Super Bowl party. What are you dishing up?
  • All of the booze money can buy.
  • Hot wings and potato skins.
  • Chips and dip.
  • Veggie and fruit tray.
  • Cheese board.

How often do you wear sneakers?

How often do you wear sneakers?
  • Only when I workout.
  • Pretty much every day.
  • When I'm going to do a lot of walking.
  • Never, I hate sneakers.

Would you rather eat a burger or a burrito?

Would you rather eat a burger or a burrito?
  • A big juicy burger for me please.
  • I'll take the burrito.
  • I'm not keen on either.

What's your biggest pet peeve at work?

What's your biggest pet peeve at work?
  • When people see I'm busy but won't leave me alone.
  • When people come in late.
  • When people procrastinate.
  • Having to engage in small talk.
  • Inappropriate jokes or comments.

How do you feel when people change plans at the last minute?

How do you feel when people change plans at the last minute?
  • I feel kind of frustrated and annoyed.
  • I feel just fine, plans change.
  • I'm angry, who cancels at the last minute?
  • I feel great, now I can do whatever I want tonight.

Do you prefer peace and harmony or excitement and change?

Do you prefer peace and harmony or excitement and change?
  • Peace and harmony.
  • Excitement and change.
  • I like a bit of both!

What would you say is your defining quality?

What would you say is your defining quality?
  • I'm dependable.
  • I'm fun.
  • I'm trustworthy.
  • I'm charming.
  • I'm intelligent.

Do you ever cry at sad movies?

Do you ever cry at sad movies?
  • All the time, there's no shame in crying!
  • Sometimes, but it has to be a very touching film.
  • Never, a movie is just a movie.
  • It depends on the day and the movie.

What are your thoughts on drama?

What are your thoughts on drama?
  • I hate it, the less the better.
  • It can be fun and I definitely like to stir the pot.
  • It's annoying, why do people create it?
  • I don't care as long as I'm not involved.