What Superhero Is Your Significant Other?
c4fced1 What Superhero Is Your Significant Other? What Superhero Is Your Significant Other? Do you look at your significant other as a superhero in plain clothes? Are they always saving the day in their own special way? It's time to find out which superhero your significant other is really most like! They may be more powerful than you think!

When you fight, what do you and your SO fight about?

When you fight, what do you and your SO fight about?
  • Money
  • Chores
  • What to eat for dinner
  • The kids
  • Something else

What is date night like?

What is date night like?
  • Romantic
  • Passionate
  • Relaxed
  • Adventurous
  • Surprising

What's the best thing about your SO?

What's the best thing about your SO?
  • Their compassion
  • Their wit
  • Their protectiveness
  • Their ambition
  • Their spirit

Which color does your SO wear most often?

Which color does your SO wear most often?
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Gray
  • Green

Where did you first meet your SO?

Where did you first meet your SO?
  • School
  • Work
  • Through friends
  • Online
  • Bar or randomly

When your SO is stressed out, they tend to...

When your SO is stressed out, they tend to...
  • Want lots of time alone.
  • Be very clingy.
  • Lash out.
  • Get emotional.
  • Take on too much.

What was your SO's college major?

What was your SO's college major?
  • They didn't go to college.
  • Business.
  • Education.
  • Theater.
  • Medicine.
  • Other.

Do you both want kids?

Do you both want kids?
  • Absolutely, family first!
  • Possibly, in the future.
  • I want kids, they do not.
  • They want kids, I do not.
  • We've never talked about it.

How much of a team player is your SO?

How much of a team player is your SO?
  • It depends on their mood.
  • They're a total team player.
  • They're more the leader of the team.
  • They can be a team player sometimes.

Does your SO have any weaknesses?

Does your SO have any weaknesses?
  • They're stubborn.
  • They're argumentative.
  • They're emotionally stunted.
  • They're too emotional.
  • They're too smart for their own good.