Which Geometric Shape Fits Your Personality?
Which Geometric Shape Fits Your Personality?
Do you perhaps fit a triangle or square?
Do you usually think with feelings or logic?

Would you rather stand out from the crowd or blend in?

Would you say you have many regrets?

- Yes I do
- I try not to
- No I don't
How do you feel about routine?

- I love routine
- I'm okay with it
- I don't like routine
Would you consider yourself confident?

- Yes I do
- Not really
- Not at all
Do you prefer things more modern or traditional?

Do people ever call you mysterious?

- All the time
- Not really
- Not at all
Do you worry about what others may think of you?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes I do
- Not at all
Which word best describes you?

- Mystical
- Traditional
- Interesting
- Unique
- Motivated
Are you a confrontational person?

- Not at all
- Sometimes I am
- No I don't