What Is Your School Nickname?
What Is Your School Nickname?
What would be the perfect nickname for you in school?
What stereotype were you in school?

- The popular kid
- The loner
- The beautiful one
- The jock
- I'm not sure
Which subject could you not stand?

- Math
- English
- Physical education
- Science
- Other
Were you popular in school?

- Very popular
- I was pretty popular
- Not really
Did you ever skip class?

- Quite frequently
- Not usually
- Hardly ever
Choose an after school club

- Photography club
- Track and field
- Theatre
- Yearbook committee
- No clubs for me
What group did you belong to?

- The nerds
- The outcast
- The popular group
- I didn't really belong to a group
Who did you take to prom?

- Friends
- My significant other
- My crush
- I went alone
- I didn't go
How would you describe your high school experience?

- Annoying
- Amazing
- Exciting
- Bearable
- Perfect
Would you go back to high school if you could?

- Not at all
- I enjoyed it in the past but no
- Absolutely
Where was your hangout spot at school?

- The lockers
- The bathroom
- The football field
- The library
- Other