What Kind Of Baby Boomer Are You?
c7b8858 What Kind Of Baby Boomer Are You? What Kind Of Baby Boomer Are You? You may think there's only one type of baby boomer, but research says otherwise. Do you know exactly what kind of baby boomer you are? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Where do you get your news from?

Where do you get your news from?
  • Online news sites
  • Social media
  • TV
  • The newspaper
  • My friends

What kind of shoes do you wear on a daily basis?

What kind of shoes do you wear on a daily basis?
  • Sandals such as Birkenstocks
  • Sneakers or flats
  • Boots
  • Heels
  • Slippers

Which cause is most important to you?

Which cause is most important to you?
  • Women's rights
  • Animal rights
  • Environmental protection
  • Privacy laws
  • Tax reform

How do you fill your Saturday afternoons?

How do you fill your Saturday afternoons?
  • I spend time in the garden
  • I catch up on Netflix
  • I go for a nice long drive
  • I go on a hike with my friends or significant other
  • I work on my home or lawn

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?
  • Enjoy the moment
  • There is no idea too small
  • Focus on loving yourself first
  • Embrace and enjoy trends
  • Be proud of who you are

What do you believe the country needs to more of right now?

What do you believe the country needs to more of right now?
  • More peace
  • More compassion
  • More free time
  • More reverence
  • More technology

What kind of car did you drive on your first date?

What kind of car did you drive on your first date?
  • A VW beetle
  • A Ford Mustang
  • I rode a bike
  • My parents drove us
  • Whatever car my parents had

Which TV show takes you back?

Which TV show takes you back?
  • Happy Days
  • Laverne and Shirley
  • The Mary Tyler Moore show
  • M.A.S.H.
  • Three's Company

Do you worry about money?

Do you worry about money?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

How do you stay in shape?

How do you stay in shape?
  • I hike
  • I run
  • I practice yoga
  • I take a Zumba class
  • I weight train