How Feminist Are You?
c7df5e7 How Feminist Are You? How Feminist Are You? Do you fight for women’s rights? Do you believe that women deserve total equality? You might be a feminist. Need to know how feminist you are? Take this quiz and find out!

Who should pay on the first date?

Who should pay on the first date?
  • The male
  • The female
  • It should be split 50/50

What is your view on stay at home dads?

What is your view on stay at home dads?
  • They're great
  • Their should be more of them
  • I don't have an opinion on it
  • As long as the parenting is equal it doesn't matter

How do you respond to jokes that portray women as dumb or inferior?

How do you respond to jokes that portray women as dumb or inferior?
  • I laugh at them
  • I hate them
  • I talk to the person making the joke about how offensive it is
  • I shrug them off

Should women be allowed to serve on the front lines of war?

Should women be allowed to serve on the front lines of war?
  • Absolutely
  • No it's too dangerous
  • It depends on the situation

What is the biggest problem facing women today?

What is the biggest problem facing women today?
  • Not getting equal pay for equal work
  • Being judged for their choices in life
  • Focusing on career instead of family or family instead of career
  • Being taken seriously
  • Not being allowed to take on certain roles

What do you tell a female friend who has decided she doesn't want to have kids?

What do you tell a female friend who has decided she doesn't want to have kids?
  • I tell her I'm happy for her that she knows what she wants
  • I tell her that it's her life
  • I try to change her mind

What do you believe is the ideal lifestyle for a woman?

What do you believe is the ideal lifestyle for a woman?
  • Take care of the children
  • Pursue a career
  • Have both a career and a family
  • Whatever she feels is the ideal lifestyle

If you had a daughter, would you let her play with any toys she wanted, even those classified as "boys" toys?

If you had a daughter, would you let her play with any toys she wanted, even those classified as
  • Absolutely toys shouldn't have gender assignments
  • Yes toys are toys
  • It depends on the toy
  • Absolutely not

Do you think that women are too "emotional" to have a large role in politics?

Do you think that women are too
  • Are you kidding me?
  • No way
  • Absolutely not
  • I'm not sure how to answer this

Do you feel that there is too much pressure put on women to look a certain way?

Do you feel that there is too much pressure put on women to look a certain way?
  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No