What Language Is Your Personality?
What Language Is Your Personality?
What is your personality speaking to you? Is it speaking the language of love or passion?
Which is most important to you?

- Career
- Love
- Culture
- Knowledge
- Other
What is your worst vice?

- Lust
- Gluttony
- Envy
- Pride
- Other
What is your greatest virtue?

- Kindness
- Patience
- Honesty
- Generosity
- Other
How do you act first meeting people?

- Quiet and shy
- Friendly and outgoing
- Charming
- Standoffish
- Other
Biggest pet peeve?

- Lying
- Pranks
- Messiness
- Drama
- Other
Pick a vacation spot

- The Caribbeans
- Alaska
- Florida
- Japan
- Other
Pick a hobby you'd love to master

- Painting
- Playing guitar
- Skateboarding
- Martial arts
- Other
What are you like at social gatherings?

- Reserved and quiet
- Loud and boisterous
- Talkative and charming
- Polite and analyzing your surroundings
- Other
Great way to spend a Friday evening?

- Out at kareokee
- Out to dinner
- Lazing around
- Spending time with friends
- Other
Favorite genre of movies?

- Comedy
- Action
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Other