What Kind Of Hugger Are You?
c914efe What Kind Of Hugger Are You? What Kind Of Hugger Are You? According to psychologists, there are four distinct types of huggers! Every personality aligns with just one. While you might think a hug is just a hug, science says it's so much more. What kind of hugger are you? Is your hug type just like your personality type? Let's find out!

Would you describe yourself as laid back or neurotic?

Would you describe yourself as laid back or neurotic?
  • Laid back
  • Neurotic
  • It depends on the day...
  • A bit of both usually.

How do you typically greet other people?

How do you typically greet other people?
  • With a hug, duh!
  • With a peck on the cheek.
  • With a hand shake.
  • With a light touch.

How do you smile in photos?

How do you smile in photos?
  • With lots of teeth.
  • With some visible teeth.
  • With my mouth closed.
  • Smile? No thanks.

In your opinion, what's better than hugging?

In your opinion, what's better than hugging?
  • Chocolate chip cookies.
  • A nice slice of pizza.
  • Taking your shoes off at the end of a long day.
  • Absolutely nothing!

How many seconds should a good hug last?

How many seconds should a good hug last?
  • A nano-second.
  • Maybe 2-3 seconds.
  • Seven seconds at least.
  • 20 seconds.

Are you comfortable with public displays of affection?

Are you comfortable with public displays of affection?
  • Just hand holding.
  • A quick peck is fine.
  • Naturally, no one should hide their love!
  • I love me some PDA!

How big is your "body bubble"?

How big is your
  • Let's just say I like my personal space.
  • I think two feet away is fine.
  • Maybe about three feet?
  • I'm a close talker, so anything is fine!

Did you grow up in a family where people hugged a lot?

Did you grow up in a family where people hugged a lot?
  • Mom was a hugger, dad not so much.
  • Both my parents were huggers.
  • Everyone in my family loves a good hug.
  • We're not really touchy feely.

Do you feel nervous when other people touch you casually?

Do you feel nervous when other people touch you casually?
  • Yes, who does that?
  • It depends on the person.
  • Nah, I'm okay with it.

How tightly do you squeeze people when you hug them?

How tightly do you squeeze people when you hug them?
  • I don't squeeze at all.
  • I basically squeeze all the air out of them.
  • Just a light squeeze.
  • It depends on the person.