How Did You (Or How Will You) Find Out That You Were Pregnant?
c950691How Did You (Or How Will You) Find Out That You Were Pregnant?Finding out that you are carrying a little bundle of joy is one of the most life changing moments you will ever have. Take this quiz to see if we can determine how you did (or will) find out that you were pregnant.
Did you have a baby name picked out?
Yes, first and middle
I had a few that I liked
I hadn't even thought about it
None of these
How many hours a day do you normally sleep?
less than 6
7 or 8
More than 8
I don't know
Were you trying?
I don't know
How far along were you when you found out?
Less than 6 weeks
7-8 weeks
8 weeks or more
How regular are your cycles?
You could set your watch by them
Pretty regular, give or take a day or two
They come when they want to
None of these
Did you live with your partner at the time?
No, but we were together a lot
None of these
How close are/were you to your OB/Gyn?
We are on a first name basis
I see them once a year for check ups
I see whoever is first available
None of these
How many of your girlfriends had kids before you ?