c979477How Long Could You Survive A Digital Detox? In the modern age, it's hard to even think about what life would be like without technology. Do you think you could withstand a digital detox and cut tech out of your life for a few weeks? It's time to find out! How long could you actually survive life without your smart phone?
How do you decide what to eat or make each day?
I take recommendations from my friends on Facebook
I see what other people are eating on Instagram
I hit up Pinterest for some fresh recipes
I just eat whatever I have handy
I use a cookbook or recipe magazine
How skilled are you at navigating?
With a GPS? I'm a pro!
I have a great memory and awareness, so I'm a decent navigator.
I can read a map and follow written directions.
I'd be lost without GPS
Who or what inspires your personal style?
My culture
My daily activities
My friends
A mix of all of the above
How many people do you communicate with on a smartphone or laptop everyday?
One or two
Three or four
Five or six
Six to ten
Do you know how to build a fire?
Let me Google an answer for you
Maybe after watching a YouTube tutorial
I've seen enough survival shows that I get the idea
I can build a fire from scratch with ease
How do you order a pizza?
Through an app
Over the phone
With my smartwatch
In person
How many times have you checked your cell phone while taking this quiz?
Three times
Four times
I haven't checked it
Which social media platform do you check most often?