What Is Your Love Style?
cb0c5e6 What Is Your Love Style? What Is Your Love Style? Every person has their own love style. Do you think you know what yours is? Are you romantic or passionate? Take this quiz and find out!

First thing's first, are you currently in a relationship?

First thing's first, are you currently in a relationship?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It's complicated

Do you often find yourself anticipating the needs of others?

Do you often find yourself anticipating the needs of others?
  • That's so me!
  • Not really
  • Sometimes

How independent are you in a relationship?

How independent are you in a relationship?
  • Very independent
  • Somewhat independent
  • Somewhat dependent
  • Very dependent
  • None of these

Do you feel claustrophobic or trapped when someone wants to be with you all the time?

Do you feel claustrophobic or trapped when someone wants to be with you all the time?
  • Definitely
  • Not really
  • Sometimes
  • Other

How open are you with your feelings?

How open are you with your feelings?
  • I'm extremely open
  • I tend to repress them
  • I'm open with my loved ones
  • I'm very closed off
  • Other

After a social gathering, do you ever think about things you could've done differently?

After a social gathering, do you ever think about things you could've done differently?
  • Guilty as charged
  • Only if I managed to embarrass myself
  • Every now and then
  • Never
  • Other

Are you very protective of yourself?

Are you very protective of yourself?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Every so often
  • Other

How many children would you like to have one day?

How many children would you like to have one day?
  • 1-2
  • 2-3
  • 3-4
  • 5+
  • None

How do you cope with stress?

How do you cope with stress?
  • I cry
  • I write my feelings in a journal
  • I talk it out with a friend
  • I drink
  • I lash out at others
  • Other

Do you often have a difficulty saying no to others?

Do you often have a difficulty saying no to others?
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes
  • I have no problem saying no
  • Other