How Classy Are You Really?
cb1c032 How Classy Are You Really? How Classy Are You Really? We all have different levels of class. Some of us are are immaculately classy, while some of us need a bit of work. Do you think you know how classy you are? Take these 10 questions and find out!

When out at an expensive restaurant, what do you typically order?

When out at an expensive restaurant, what do you typically order?
  • Lobster
  • Filet Mignon
  • Sushi
  • Cavier
  • Truffles

Who is your favorite female celebrity?

Who is your favorite female celebrity?
  • Charlize Theron
  • Emma Watson
  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Amy Poehler
  • Meryl Streep

How often do you curse?

How often do you curse?
  • Every few minutes
  • Hourly at least
  • Only if I drop something
  • Never
  • Only in my head

Who is your favorite Disney princess?

Who is your favorite Disney princess?
  • Cinderella
  • Snow White
  • Ariel
  • Jasmine
  • Belle

What is your favorite unladylike behavior?

What is your favorite unladylike behavior?
  • Belching
  • Interrupting
  • Farting
  • Eating with my hands
  • Cursing

Would you sleep with someone on a first date?

Would you sleep with someone on a first date?
  • If we have a connection
  • Absolutely
  • Never

Which of these TV shows do you like the most?

Which of these TV shows do you like the most?
  • The Good Wife
  • Scandal
  • Downton Abbey
  • New Girl

How do you handle yourself when your angry or upset?

How do you handle yourself when your angry or upset?
  • I yell and break things
  • I take a deep breath and walk away
  • I cry my eyes out
  • I try and talk to them about the problem
  • I say nothing but hold a grudge

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
  • Hiking
  • Yoga
  • Tanning poolside
  • Soccer
  • Tennis

What is your biggest flaw?

What is your biggest flaw?
  • I'm a bit of a shopacholic
  • I have tendency to exaggerate or lie
  • I'm too sensitive
  • I gossip behind people's backs
  • I drink too much