If Your Life Were A Children’s Book, Which Would It Be?
cdf5bb1 If Your Life Were A Children’s Book, Which Would It Be? If Your Life Were A Children’s Book, Which Would It Be? Reading can often offer us a much needed escape from reality. Children’s books bear no exception. Do you know which children’s book is most like your life? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Finish the sentence: I've always felt as if my life lacked....

Finish the sentence: I've always felt as if my life lacked....
  • Adventure
  • Compassion
  • Fun
  • Stability
  • Imagination

As a child, my favorite thing to do on a summer day was....

As a child, my favorite thing to do on a summer day was....
  • Swimming
  • Climbing trees
  • Coloring
  • Adventuring with friends outside
  • Making friendship bracelets
  • Other

When out at a restaurant with friends, what do you typically order?

When out at a restaurant with friends, what do you typically order?
  • The recommended special
  • The weirdest thing on the menu
  • Steak or lobster
  • A hearty salad
  • Anything I know I'll like
  • Other

Which color are you typically most drawn to?

Which color are you typically most drawn to?
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Other

How would you entertain your kids on a rainy day?

How would you entertain your kids on a rainy day?
  • Bust out a craft kit
  • We'd bake something together
  • Put on an animated film
  • Build a blanket fort and pretend we're somewhere else
  • Go outside and stomp some puddles
  • Other

You find an unmarked envelope of cash on the street. What do you do?

You find an unmarked envelope of cash on the street. What do you do?
  • I take it to the police station
  • I leave it where it is in case they come back
  • Take the cash and consider it a gift from the fates
  • I'm not sure what I'd do

Which animal do you most wish you could transform into for a day?

Which animal do you most wish you could transform into for a day?
  • Rabbit
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Lion
  • Chimpanzee
  • Other

You've been invited to a birthday party and need a quick gift. What do you do?

You've been invited to a birthday party and need a quick gift. What do you do?
  • Hit the internet
  • Hit the craft store so I can make something cool
  • I bake them some good treats
  • Gift card all the way
  • Other

How would people describe you?

How would people describe you?
  • Daring
  • Shy
  • Giving
  • Chatty
  • Emotional
  • Other

Who is your all time favorite Disney princess?

Who is your all time favorite Disney princess?
  • Snow White
  • Cinderella
  • Jasmine
  • Ariel
  • Elsa