What Is Your Emotional Type?
What Is Your Emotional Type?
Deep down, whatever your emotional type is, affects your personality. Which one is yours?
What is the one thing that always touches your heart?

- A bitter sweet story
- Family reunions
- Seeing others achieve their dreams
- Helping out people in need
How do you act approached with an accusation?

- Just ignore them and go about your business
- Try to hide the fact that you may cry
- Get angry and defensive
- Calmly explain your side
When in the presence of someone new, what do you do?

- Keep to yourself
- Try to make small talk
- Fidget around uncomfortably
- Politely acknowledge each other's presence
Pick a career

- Engineer
- Artist
- Counselor
- Sports instructor
Which of these embarrasses you the most?

- Humiliating yourself in public
- Messing up a public speech
- Getting the facts wrong in an argument
- None of these
What do you think your greatest trait is?

- My kindness
- My logic
- My empathy
- My ability to listen well
You find a lost puppy who seems to have no home, what do you do?

- Affectionately coddle it and bring it home
- Call an animal center to get it help
- Start asking people around you if it's theirs
- Other
You're out and about all day and when you get home, you realize you lost your prized necklace! What do you do?

- Backtrack your steps
- Start crying, afriad you'll never get it back
- Call your friends to ask for help finding it
- Pace around, looking in the general area
What would be your biggest fear?

- Being alone forever
- Never achieving your dreams
- Never being understood
- To lose someone you love
Quick, make a wish!

- I wish for happiness and well-being
- I wish to be able to achieve great things
- I wish to be able to live and peaceful life
- I wish for my life to be filled with fun times