Which Netflix Original Series Are You?
d23e789 Which Netflix Original Series Are You? Which Netflix Original Series Are You? You might love Netflix, but do you know which Netflix original series you're most like? It's time to find out! Take these 10 quiz questions and discover which beloved show your personality aligns with. The results might shock you!

What type of people do you avoid?

What type of people do you avoid?
  • Liars
  • Cheaters
  • Fakes
  • Hypocrites
  • Elitists

How are you most likely to respond to an insult?

How are you most likely to respond to an insult?
  • With a clever comeback
  • With a sarcastic quip
  • With something thoughtful
  • In a nuanced way
  • I wouldn't say anything

Which game would you play?

Which game would you play?
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Chess
  • Monopoly
  • Life
  • Clue

If a friend had to describe you in a word, they'd likely choose?

If a friend had to describe you in a word, they'd likely choose?
  • Dramatic
  • Comedic
  • Intelligent
  • Vivacious
  • Resilient

Do you have a strong sense of nostalgia?

Do you have a strong sense of nostalgia?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

How do you react during fearful situations?

How do you react during fearful situations?
  • I rise up and meet every challenge!
  • I thoughtfully overcome my fears.
  • I face them head on and with a smile.
  • I shirk them for as long as possible.
  • I try to find a way around them but always give in.

Do you believe that everyone deserves a happy ending?

Do you believe that everyone deserves a happy ending?
  • Yes, because it's true.
  • No, not everyone.
  • For the most part, but happy is a diverse word.

What would you do if it were your last day on earth?

What would you do if it were your last day on earth?
  • Donate everything I have to charity.
  • Party my butt off.
  • Take a long drive.
  • Eat a fancy meal.
  • Spend time with friends.

Do you like to watch TV alone or with others?

Do you like to watch TV alone or with others?
  • Alone
  • With others
  • It depends on the day

Finally, choose a snack to stuff your face with?

Finally, choose a snack to stuff your face with?
  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Pretzels
  • M&Ms
  • Ice cream