How Much Money Will You Have In Ten Years?
How Much Money Will You Have In Ten Years?
How much will you have saved up?
How much money do you currently make a year?

- Less than $20,000
- $20,000-$30,000
- $40,000-$50,000
- $60,000-$70,000
- $80,000 or more
Do you currently have a savings account?

Would you say you make frequent impulsive purchases?

- Yes I do
- I try not to
- No I don't
How many children do you have?

- None
- Just one
- 2-3
- 4-5
- 6 or more
How much debt do you currently have?

- None
- Under $10,000
- $10,000-$20,000
- $30,000-$40,000
- $50,000 or more
Are you currently in a relationship?

Do you keep a budget?

- Not at all
- I try to
- Yes I do
Would you consider yourself a spender or saver?

- Spender
- Saver
- I'm not sure
Who do you live with?

- My partner
- My partner and kids
- My parents
- Alone
- Other
How often do you take trips?

- At least once a month
- Every other month
- Once every few months
- Once a year
- Rarely if ever