How Do Your Adulting Skills Really Measure Up?
d2e7208 How Do Your Adulting Skills Really Measure Up? How Do Your Adulting Skills Really Measure Up? You might think you're a true adult, but how do your adult skills really measure up to the average grown up? Are you really killing this whole adulthood thing like you think you are? Answer these 10 quiz questions and find out! You might need to do a bit of a glow up!

What are you saving money for right now?

What are you saving money for right now?
  • A house
  • Retirement
  • A vacation
  • A luxury item

What comes to mind when you hear the word "bill?"

What comes to mind when you hear the word
  • Money
  • A duck
  • Politics
  • A receipt or invoice

Right now, which meal seems the most appetizing to you?

Right now, which meal seems the most appetizing to you?
  • A McDonalds combo
  • Spaghetti and meatballs
  • A steak dinner
  • Chicken fingers

There's a leak in your home. What do you do?

There's a leak in your home. What do you do?
  • Put a bucket under the leak.
  • Google how to fix it.
  • Call a plumber.

How often do you go to the doctor?

How often do you go to the doctor?
  • Only when I'm sick.
  • When I need a medication refill.
  • Never.
  • When I'm sick and for checkups.

Where would you most like to go on a date?

Where would you most like to go on a date?
  • To the cinema.
  • To a new bar.
  • To a carnival.
  • To a fine dining restaurant.

Your beloved pooch just threw up on the bed. How do you handle it?

Your beloved pooch just threw up on the bed. How do you handle it?
  • Calmly rip off all the sheets and get to washing them.
  • Scold the dog and then start cleaning up the mess.
  • Curse everything and everyone in the room.

You just remembered that you forgot to pay the credit card bill. What do you do?

You just remembered that you forgot to pay the credit card bill. What do you do?
  • Just pay the late fee the following month.
  • Pay it right away.
  • Start scheduling automatic payments.

One of your Facebook friends just got engaged. How do you feel?

One of your Facebook friends just got engaged. How do you feel?
  • Enraged over their good luck.
  • A bit jealous, but happy nonetheless.
  • Totally thrilled, everyone deserves love!

What is your drink of choice during dinner?

What is your drink of choice during dinner?
  • Water
  • A cocktail
  • A beer
  • Soda