Can We Reveal Your Hidden Sibling Jealousy?
d3983e4 Can We Reveal Your Hidden Sibling Jealousy? Can We Reveal Your Hidden Sibling Jealousy? As much as we love our siblings, there can always be a bit of jealousy hidden beneath. Can we guess the reason why you're secretly jealous of your sibling? Is there something you need to talk about today? Answer these 10 quiz questions and find out. You might just improve your sibling relationship!

How often did you wear hand-me-downs as a kid?

How often did you wear hand-me-downs as a kid?
  • All the time, that's all I had.
  • Every now and then, if something was high quality.
  • Never, I always got my own clothes.

Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?

Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?
  • I'm the oldest.
  • I'm the youngest.
  • I'm in the middle.

You give your sister/brother a far more expensive present than they got you for Christmas. At the family dinner, you...

You give your sister/brother a far more expensive present than they got you for Christmas. At the family dinner, you...
  • Make a few jokes about Scrooge.
  • Quietly moan to your partner.
  • Keep it to yourself.
  • Angrily storm out.

A distant aunt dies leaving you $1,000 but your sister/brother nothing. What do you do?

A distant aunt dies leaving you $1,000 but your sister/brother nothing. What do you do?
  • Call them up and let them know.
  • Keep it a secret.
  • Split it with my siblings, it's only right.
  • Brag about it.

Growing up, did you feel like your sibling got away with more than you did?

Growing up, did you feel like your sibling got away with more than you did?
  • Most definitely, they were the "golden" child.
  • Every now and then, but it was pretty equal.
  • Not at all, we were punished the same.

Would you say your sibling is more attractive than you?

Would you say your sibling is more attractive than you?
  • Most definitely, they got all the good genes.
  • In some ways, but we look fairly similar.
  • No, if anything I'm the better looking one.

Which of you has received the most honors?

Which of you has received the most honors?
  • They did.
  • I did.
  • It was equal.

Which parent were you closer to?

Which parent were you closer to?
  • My mother
  • My father
  • I was close to both
  • I wasn't close to either
  • Something else

You found out your sibling has had a stroke of bad luck. What do you do?

You found out your sibling has had a stroke of bad luck. What do you do?
  • Think "It's about time!"
  • Call them up and see how they are.
  • Call my parents to get the gossip.
  • Feel a bit giddy with delight.
  • Feel bad for them, but do nothing.

Who gets the better Christmas gifts?

Who gets the better Christmas gifts?
  • We get the same kind of stuff.
  • They do, it's so unfair!
  • Some years I do, sometimes they do.
  • I do, what a relief!