Where Will You Die?
d4c3973 Where Will You Die? Where Will You Die? Will you die in your home, in the sea, or somewhere else? Take this quiz to find out your fate.

Where do you live?

Where do you live?
  • In the city
  • In the country
  • Near the ocean or another large body of water

Is your diet healthy?

Is your diet healthy?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

How old is your oldest living family member?

How old is your oldest living family member?
  • 70s
  • 80s
  • 90s
  • 100+

What is your favoite method of travel?

What is your favoite method of travel?
  • Walking/biking
  • Driving in a car
  • Boating
  • Flying

You are going on a vacation. Where are you likely to go?

You are going on a vacation. Where are you likely to go?
  • Somewhere in my same country
  • Somewhere in a nearby country
  • Somewhere in a far away country

Do you know how to swim?

Do you know how to swim?
  • Yes
  • A little
  • No

Do you get all of your vaccines?

Do you get all of your vaccines?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

You are not feeling well. What do you do?

You are not feeling well. What do you do?
  • Deal with it
  • Take medicine at home
  • Go to the hospital

Have you ever gotten a ticket?

Have you ever gotten a ticket?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, but I can't drive either

Are you in the army?

Are you in the army?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, but I might join some day