What Is Your Biggest Moral Dilemma?
d4deba0 What Is Your Biggest Moral Dilemma? What Is Your Biggest Moral Dilemma? What's eating away at you?

How often do you lie?

How often do you lie?
  • Frequently
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely
  • Never

Are you the type to feel guilty easily?

Are you the type to feel guilty easily?
  • Yes I am
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Do you have any regrets?

Do you have any regrets?
  • Not at all
  • I try not to have any
  • I have quite a few

Are you the type to keep money you find on the ground?

Are you the type to keep money you find on the ground?
  • Yes I am
  • It depends
  • Of course not

Have you ever told a big lie?

Have you ever told a big lie?
  • Only white lies
  • Yes but I've come clean
  • Yes but I haven't come clean

Would you lie to someone in order to protect their feelings?

Would you lie to someone in order to protect their feelings?
  • Yes I would
  • I'm not sure
  • No I wouldn't

What do you usually do when you're feeling upset?

What do you usually do when you're feeling upset?
  • I cry
  • I over eat
  • I sleep it away
  • I talk to someone
  • Other

If you were positive that you wouldn't be caught, would you commit any crime?

If you were positive that you wouldn't be caught, would you commit any crime?
  • Not at all
  • It depends
  • Of course

Have you ever stole something?

Have you ever stole something?
  • Yes I have
  • I don't remember
  • No I haven't

Do you consider yourself loyal?

Do you consider yourself loyal?
  • Very loyal
  • It depends
  • Not ry