What Will You Do In Five Years?
What Will You Do In Five Years?
Where do you see yourself?
What kind of job would you like to have?

- Something amazing
- Something fun
- Something dealing with animals
- I don't want a job
- Other
Where would you classify yourself?

- Passive
- Activist
- Somewhere in the middle
Are you an animal lover?

- Not at all
- Not really
- Animals are my life
Where do you spend most of your time?

- Out on the town
- Work
- At home
- Other
What do you hope to do in the future?

- Help others
- Relax
- Inspire others
- I'm not sure
Which word describes you?

- Carefree
- Stressed
- Hopeful
- Ambitious
- Loving
Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

Would you say life has been a challenge?

- Absolutely
- Not too bad
- It's been pretty good
Do you work hard for what you want?

Do you make friends easily?

- Not very easily
- I would say so
- Not at all