What Would You Like To Do If You Were Young Again?
What Would You Like To Do If You Were Young Again?
What would you do differently in your life?
How do you feel life was growing up?

- Very difficult
- It was okay
- It was great
How often did you go on vacations when you were younger?

- Almost every week
- Once a month
- Every few months
- Once a year
- Never
What's your highest education level?

- High school diploma or GED
- A bachelors degree
- A masters degree
- I never finished high school
- Other
What did you usually do in your free time?

- Watch tv
- Play with friends
- Study or do homework
- Play outside
- Other
Which word best describes you as a child?

- Adventurous
- Shy
- Lazy
- Studious
- Outgoing
Do you have any siblings?

How were you in school?

- I got mostly perfect grades
- I usually skipped school
- I did alright in school
Did you party a lot when you were younger?

- I partied all the time
- I did every once in awhile
- No I didn't
What's stopping you from revealing your biggest secrets?

- Fear of rejection
- Fear of failure
- Fear of being an outcast
- Fear of not being understood
- Other
Are you artistic at all?

- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Yes I am