What’s The Sexiest Thing About You?
d9c9523 What’s The Sexiest Thing About You? What’s The Sexiest Thing About You? Do maybe your eyes captive anyone who sees them?

Where would you love to go on a date?

Where would you love to go on a date?
  • Rock climbing
  • Coffee shop
  • To see a comedy show
  • To a fair
  • Other

Which of these are most important to you in a relationship?

Which of these are most important to you in a relationship?
  • Good looks
  • High self-esteem
  • Humor
  • Intelligence
  • Loyalty

You are:

You are:
  • Introverted
  • Extroverted

What would you say your best feature is?

What would you say your best feature is?
  • My eyes
  • My body
  • My brains
  • My hair
  • Everything

Do you always say what's on your mind?

Do you always say what's on your mind?
  • Of course
  • Not always
  • No I don't

Have you ever had a blind date?

Have you ever had a blind date?
  • Yes I have
  • No I haven't

What's the most important thing in a relationship?

What's the most important thing in a relationship?
  • Supporting each other
  • Making each other laugh
  • Sharing emotions
  • Experiencing new things
  • Other

What is your definition of a "sexy person"?

What is your definition of a
  • A person with confidence
  • Someone good looking
  • A sensitive person
  • A smart person
  • A humorous person

What do you usually get compliments on?

What do you usually get compliments on?
  • My eyes
  • My smile
  • My outfits
  • My legs
  • Other

Which word best describes you?

Which word best describes you?
  • Charming
  • Confident
  • Funny
  • Smart
  • Passionate