How Weak Are You?
How Weak Are You?
Are you a total pushover or are you actually strong as a rock? Take this quiz to find out your weakness level!
What's your gender?
![What's your gender?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/d8b1a8acb14db6314341.jpg)
- Male
- Female
- It's complicated!
Pick a color of the rainbow!
![Pick a color of the rainbow!](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/ca214ae54a74a637203d.jpg)
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet
What's your favorite part of the day?
![What's your favorite part of the day?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/ce0fc4d4c6447106c946.jpg)
Have you ever bullied anyone while you were a school child?
![Have you ever bullied anyone while you were a school child?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/eca7ea9d53117035e799.jpg)
- Yes, more than twice.
- Yes, but only once or twice.
- No, never.
Rate your self-confidence on scale of 10, with 10 being the most confident.
![Rate your self-confidence on scale of 10, with 10 being the most confident.](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/378030672471a1c6b04d.jpg)
How often do you exercise in a week?
![How often do you exercise in a week?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/d5dd0722e1aa6cb6bed0.jpg)
- Less than 2 times
- 2-4 times
- 5 or more times
Choose a pizza topping combination!
![Choose a pizza topping combination!](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/5263dcf0ce517a1c28b1.jpg)
- Pepperoni & Cheese
- Mushroom & Olive
- BBQ Chicken & Onion
- Tomato & Basil
How do you drink your coffee?
![How do you drink your coffee?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/279b33dc3cb8c197283c.jpg)
- Black
- With sweeteners
- I don't drink coffee.
How do you approach conflict?
![How do you approach conflict?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/f6c1374a3e0789dcc206.jpg)
- Directly
- Aggressively
- Passively
When you're upset, how do you calm yourself down?
![When you're upset, how do you calm yourself down?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/15ad3aad782f368bbd46.jpg)
- Talk it out with someone
- Punch something
- Take deep breaths/meditate
- Run/exercise