What’s Your Sanity Score?
dd61d3c What’s Your Sanity Score? What’s Your Sanity Score? Do you know what your sanity score is on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you as sane as they come or are you feeling a bit on the crazy side? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out your true sanity score!

How do you handle change?

How do you handle change?
  • I embrace it with open arms!
  • I let it happen and hope for the best.
  • I resist at first but ultimately go with the flow.
  • I fight it at every turn.
  • I avoid change.

What's your favorite thing to do by yourself?

What's your favorite thing to do by yourself?
  • Read a book
  • Watch TV
  • Call up a friend
  • Pace aimlessly
  • Converse with my pet

Your boss just doled out a hefty criticism. What do you do?

Your boss just doled out a hefty criticism. What do you do?
  • Use it as a learning tool.
  • Accept it and move on.
  • Dwell on it for days.
  • Break down.
  • Quit my job.

Your friend just cancelled plans last minute. How do you feel?

Your friend just cancelled plans last minute. How do you feel?
  • Just fine, now I can relax at home.
  • A little bummed.
  • Bit peeved but I get over it.
  • Angered and frustrated.
  • They are no longer my friend.

When you're assigned a task, how long does it generally take you to get started?

When you're assigned a task, how long does it generally take you to get started?
  • I get started right away.
  • I get started within a few days.
  • I get started in a few weeks.
  • Right before the deadline.

How often do you have trouble concentrating?

How often do you have trouble concentrating?
  • Always.
  • Sometimes
  • Never.

You just arrived at the grocery store and its packed to the gills. How do you feel?

You just arrived at the grocery store and its packed to the gills. How do you feel?
  • Indifferent, stores get full sometimes.
  • A little overwhelemd.
  • Totally stressed out.
  • I just turn around and leave.

How dependent are you on others to get by?

How dependent are you on others to get by?
  • Very dependent
  • Somewhat dependent
  • Not dependent at all

When something bothers you, you can't help but...

When something bothers you, you can't help but...
  • Tell everyone you know.
  • Tell someone I trust.
  • Blurt it out.
  • Keep it to myself for as long as possible.

The restaurant you love just ran out of your favorite dish. What's your reaction?

The restaurant you love just ran out of your favorite dish. What's your reaction?
  • Time to try something new!
  • Oh well, onto the next thing.
  • Demand they find a way to make it.
  • Leave the restaurant fuming.