What Dance Matches Your Personality?
de91ffa What Dance Matches Your Personality? What Dance Matches Your Personality? Are you like the graceful ballet or the spicy Latin dance?

Are you a fan of dancing?

Are you a fan of dancing?
  • Definitely
  • I love it but I don't do it often
  • It can be fun
  • I'm indifferent
  • I'm not a fan

If you could or do dance, what is your main focus with dancing?

If you could or do dance, what is your main focus with dancing?
  • To tell a story
  • To feel my body in tune with the music
  • To get a good workout
  • To just have fun
  • I'm not sure

Pick a word!

Pick a word!
  • Grace
  • Spicy
  • Cozy
  • Funky
  • Soulful

Which of these are most important to you?

Which of these are most important to you?
  • Culture
  • Creativity
  • Family and friends
  • Charity
  • Other

Do you like things to be fast paced or slow paced?

Do you like things to be fast paced or slow paced?
  • I like things to be fast
  • I like things to be slow
  • I'm in between
  • I'm not sure

Would you say you're a flexible person?

Would you say you're a flexible person?
  • Not at all
  • I'm incredibly flexible
  • I've never tried so I don't know
  • I'm a bit flexible

If you had a performance, what outfit would you choose?

If you had a performance, what outfit would you choose?
  • A cute sparkly outfit
  • Regular clothes
  • Skin tight clothes
  • I'm not sure

Do you have good rhythm?

Do you have good rhythm?
  • I have amazing rhythm
  • I would say it's pretty good
  • It's not bad
  • I'm not sure

Favorite genre of music?

Favorite genre of music?
  • Country
  • Classic
  • Jazz
  • Pop
  • Other

What's your personality like?

What's your personality like?
  • Laid back
  • Bold
  • Cheery
  • Quiet
  • Other