Are You A Shopaholic?
Are You A Shopaholic?
Is your closet overfilling with clothes you don’t even wear?
How often would you say you buy new clothes for yourself?

- Almost everyday
- At least once a week
- Probably once a month
- I can't remember the last time
Do you tend to shop more when you're in a bad mood?

Do you usually go shopping by yourself or with friends?

- By myself
- Depends on what I'm shopping for
- With my friends
Do you ever spend more money than you earn?

- Pretty often
- Sometimes
- Not really
- Not at all
Can you ever leave a store without purchasing one thing?

- No I cannot
- Yes I can
- I have no problem with not buying something
Do you always need to keep up on the new trends and fads?

- Of course
- I like to keep tabs on them
- I follow them loosely
- Somewhat
- Not at all
Do you like to go window shopping?

- I'm not a fan of it
- I'm not really sure what that is
- Of course I do
When you've outgrown an item, what do you usually do with it?

- Toss it
- Donate it
- Keep it
- Depends on the item
Which do you prefer?

Do you wait to buy something until it's on sale?

- Yes I do actually
- Not at all
- Sometimes