How Well Can You Speak Cat?
dlvmSaX How Well Can You Speak Cat? How Well Can You Speak Cat? Can you communicate well with your feline friend?

How is your cat feeling if they sit like this?

How is your cat feeling if they sit like this?
  • Content
  • Frightened
  • Startled
  • Happy

Do you believe cats consider you territory and will fight with other cats because of it?

Do you believe cats consider you territory and will fight with other cats because of it?
  • Yes I do
  • I'm unsure
  • Not at all

If your cat is purring, she is:

If your cat is purring, she is:
  • Happy
  • Nervous
  • Relaxed
  • Upset

If a cat is scratching at your furniture, they are feeling:

If a cat is scratching at your furniture, they are feeling:
  • Frustrated
  • Bored
  • Excited
  • Tired

How do you think this cat is feeling?

How do you think this cat is feeling?
  • Bored
  • Tired
  • Angry
  • Startled

How is your cat feeling if their ears are perked up?

How is your cat feeling if their ears are perked up?
  • Cautious
  • Threatened
  • Aggressive
  • Irritated

If your cat closes their eyes around you, they feel:

If your cat closes their eyes around you, they feel:
  • Loved
  • Comfortable
  • Nervous
  • Tired

What is this cat doing?

What is this cat doing?
  • Scratching an itch
  • Showing affection
  • Marking territory
  • Being cautious

True or False: A cat will only bite you if angered

True or False: A cat will only bite you if angered
  • True
  • False

Why does you cat knead on soft things?

Why does you cat knead on soft things?
  • To relax
  • Softening up their sleeping spot
  • They're ripping up the area
  • Sharpening their claws