What Is Your Maturity Level Based On Your Answer?
What Is Your Maturity Level Based On Your Answer?
How mature are you really?
What is your favorite movie?

- The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.. duh
- I prefer documentaries
- Anything with Adam Sandler
- Forrest Gump
Which food do you like the most?

- Fruit Roll-ups
- Ravioli
- Steak
- Cheetos
What do you do when you're bored?

- Binge watch shows on Netflix
- Bother your family members and sing really loudly
- Go to the library
- Go out to eat
What is or was your favorite subject in school?

- Lunch!
- Art
- Science
- Spanish
What is your favorite activity?

- Playing video games
- Going to visit your grandparents
- Watching the Saturday cartoons you recorded
- Going to visit friends
How would your friends describe you?

What do your teachers tell your parents about you?

- He/She is a very good student but should apply themselves more
- Talks way too much in class
- Is very intelligent and makes the best grades in the class
- Nice and respectful student
What do you do when you get bad news?

- Scream and cry about it
- Get really upset and stop talking
- Shake it off
- Worry
When something good happens, how do you react?

- Jump up and down and brag to whoever is around
- Text all of your friends and buy something new to celebrate
- Tell your family
- Nothing. Just smile
What's your career goal?

- Comedian
- I don't want to work!
- Lawyer
- Pro athlete