How Savage Are You?
e53865b How Savage Are You? How Savage Are You? Are you the type of person who always has a witty remark or savage comeback on the tip of your tongue? Can you put others in their place with a single look? If so, you might just be a savage! How savage are you really? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

Which social media platform are you on the most?

Which social media platform are you on the most?
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • None of these

Be honest, which of these things is most important to you?

Be honest, which of these things is most important to you?
  • Being succesful
  • Being liked
  • Having lots of friends
  • Making a difference

As a kid, you were most likely to get in trouble for....

As a kid, you were most likely to get in trouble for....
  • Talking back
  • Interrupting during class
  • Crying at recess
  • Forgetting to return a library book

You find out someone has been talking about you at work. Do you confront them?

You find out someone has been talking about you at work. Do you confront them?
  • Absolutely, in the most public way possible.
  • Possibly, but in a passive aggressive way.
  • Nope, I'm just going to ride this out.

How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

How many people have blocked you on Twitter?
  • Too many to remember.
  • Maybe a handful of people.
  • No one that I know of.
  • I don't use Twitter.

How might your parents describe you in a word?

How might your parents describe you in a word?
  • Defiant
  • Snarky
  • Shy
  • Pushover

Your best friend forgot your birthday. What do you do?

Your best friend forgot your birthday. What do you do?
  • Purposely forget their birthday.
  • Make a big to-do on their birthday to make them feel bad.
  • Forgive and forget.

How would you defeat an enemy?

How would you defeat an enemy?
  • With clever wordplay.
  • With a carefully staged prank.
  • I wouldn't who cares.

What's your favorite thing about yourself?

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
  • How could I ever choose just one thing?
  • My mind.
  • My style.
  • My compassion.

Choose a sarcastic show:

Choose a sarcastic show:
  • Seinfeld
  • Gilmore Girls
  • Will and Grace
  • Friends