How Similar Are You To Your Mom?
e7b8194 How Similar Are You To Your Mom? How Similar Are You To Your Mom? Are you guys practically the same person?

Would you say your mom is your best friend?

Would you say your mom is your best friend?
  • I'd say so!
  • Not really
  • More a friend than best friend
  • Not at all

When you have an opportunity to invite a guest somewhere, is your first choice usually your mom?

When you have an opportunity to invite a guest somewhere, is your first choice usually your mom?
  • Always
  • Sometimes depending on the situation
  • Not at all

Would you say your mom has good taste in clothes?

Would you say your mom has good taste in clothes?
  • Not at all
  • I think so. I usually borrow them
  • It's good but not my style

Do you get easily embarrassed by your mom?

Do you get easily embarrassed by your mom?
  • Very easily
  • Not at all
  • Kinda

How often do you catch yourself sounding like her?

How often do you catch yourself sounding like her?
  • Multiple times per day
  • At least everyday
  • Once in awhile
  • Never

Where do you live?

Where do you live?
  • In my hometown
  • A few hours away from my hometown
  • A different state
  • Abroad

When you were a teen, how often did you fight?

When you were a teen, how often did you fight?
  • Almost every waking moment
  • At least once a day
  • Maybe once a week
  • Almost never

What would you borrow from your mom closet?

What would you borrow from your mom closet?
  • Everything
  • Some jewelry
  • Shoes
  • I'm not a fan of her style

What do you usually talk about?

What do you usually talk about?
  • We talk about everything
  • My love life
  • Family
  • Nothing really

What quality of your mom did you inherit?

What quality of your mom did you inherit?
  • Her attitude
  • Almost every trait
  • Her kindness
  • I'm not sure