What Does Your Hate Say About You?
What Does Your Hate Say About You?
How does it sum up your personality?
What type of person do you dislike most?

- Ignorant people
- Close-minded people
- Judgemental people
- Introverted people
What type of job would you not be happy in?

- Computer programmer
- Party planner
- Artist
- I'm not sure
Which do you hate more: being ignored or being interrupted?

- Being ignored
- Being interrupted
Do you more hate being alone or being in big groups?

- Being alone
- Being in big groups
Which do you dislike more: waking up early or going to bed late?

- Waking up early
- Going to bed late
Which of these do you dislike most?

- Small talk
- Meeting new people
- Eye contact
- Shaking hands
- None of these
Do you hate people who have strict ideals or opinions?

What chore can you not stand?

- Doing the dishes
- Sweeping
- Making the bed
- Cleaning the bathroom
- I don't mind chores
Which environment would you hate to live in?

- Busy city
- Calm countryside
- Suburbs
- Small town
- I don't really care
Which do you hate more: talking on the phone or texting?

- Talking on the phone
- Texting
- I'm fine with both