Will You Be A Billionaire?
ec7b3c4 Will You Be A Billionaire? Will You Be A Billionaire? Do you think you're destined for wealth? It's time to find out! Take these 10 questions and discover if you'll really be a billionaire one day! The results might just shock you!

Did you graduate from high school?

Did you graduate from high school?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I have a GED

Do you live by yourself or do you have roommates?

Do you live by yourself or do you have roommates?
  • I live by myself
  • I live with my spouse or partner
  • I live with my parents
  • I live with roommates

What are you most likely to invest in?

What are you most likely to invest in?
  • Solar
  • Electric cars
  • Coal
  • Biosolutions
  • I don't know

You're given $1,000 as a gift from a relative. What do you do with it?

You're given $1,000 as a gift from a relative. What do you do with it?
  • Put into a savings account
  • Invest it
  • Spend it on something nice
  • Give it to charity

Who do you vent to most often?

Who do you vent to most often?
  • My therapist
  • My significant other
  • My parents
  • My best friend
  • My Alexa

Choose a hobby:

Choose a hobby:
  • Coding
  • Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Cooking
  • Volunteering
  • Does binge watching count?

What is your strongest subject?

What is your strongest subject?
  • Art
  • Math
  • History
  • Science
  • English
  • Gym

Which of these entrepreneurs do you look up to most?

Which of these entrepreneurs do you look up to most?
  • Bill Gates
  • Mark Cuban
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Elon Musk
  • Donald Trump

Once you make your first million, what will you do?

Once you make your first million, what will you do?
  • Buy a big house
  • Travel the world
  • Invest
  • Put into a savings account
  • Help out everyone I know

Which of these words best describes you?

Which of these words best describes you?
  • Ambitious
  • Innovative
  • Clever
  • Friendly
  • Hasty