Can We Guess How Your Kitchen Looks?
Can We Guess How Your Kitchen Looks?
The place where you do your cooking always has a certain charm to it. What does yours look like?
If your friend offered to get together for dinner, what would you do?

- Offer to make reservations
- Offer to have the dinner at your home
- Offer to order out
- Other
What would you say your style is like?

- Rustic
- Modern
- Old-fashioned
- Trendy
- Other
You have to bring treats to a party. What would you most likely do?

- Bring a box of cookies
- Cook up some brownies from scratch
- Cook something from scratch
What's does your diet mostly consist of?

- Mostly healthy things
- A bunch of junk food and frozen meals
- Mostly sweets
- Other
Which of these would you like most in your kitchen?

- Stainless steel appliances
- Copper cookware
- Sunshine
- Bright colors
- A sense of timelessness
Pick a countertop material

- Butcher block
- Reclaimed wood
- Colored concrete
- Anything pure white
- Natural limestone
Pick an accessory

- Ornate candlesticks
- Handmade pottery
- A colorful tablecloth
- Orchids
- Fresh vegetables on the table
Have you updated your kitchen recently?

Choose a cooking ingredient

- Butter
- Sriracha
- Salt and pepper
- Organic herbs
- Olive oil
Choose a color palette

- Black and white
- Dark brown
- Yellow and white
- As many colors as possible
- Blue and white