What Is Your True Calling In Life?
What Is Your True Calling In Life?
What path are you destined for?
What have you been told you're gifted at?
![What have you been told you're gifted at?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/935b2585a43442e8d405.jpg)
- Being understanding of others
- Teaching others
- Inspiring others
- Making a change
- Other
What field would you like to work in?
![What field would you like to work in?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/7ef9644fd81bef292010.jpg)
- Education
- The arts
- Business
- Social work
- I'm not sure
What do you believe is missing from your life?
![What do you believe is missing from your life?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/f6fca90244815198ab7b.jpg)
- Love
- Friendship
- Knowledge
- Happiness
- Ambition
Which word would you use to describe yourself?
![Which word would you use to describe yourself?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/00907be6173777890fb7.jpg)
- Inspiring
- Nurturing
- Powerful
- Curious
- Encouraging
How important is it for you to make a change in the world?
![How important is it for you to make a change in the world?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/c2321e6aa8757d21d0cf.jpg)
- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
Do you ever wonder why you are here on this earth?
![Do you ever wonder why you are here on this earth?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/ff06d8f0dca7fb604944.jpg)
- All the time
- Sometimes I do
- Not usually
Do you ever worry that you're not fulfilling your purpose?
![Do you ever worry that you're not fulfilling your purpose?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/c9ded8aa880835982089.jpg)
- Of course I do
- I try not to think about it
- It has never crossed my mind
Would you say you have a special talent or gift?
![Would you say you have a special talent or gift?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/171509a6a6c6692ea8d5.jpg)
- Absolutely
- Not that I've noticed
Would you consider yourself intuitive?
![Would you consider yourself intuitive?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/2e53daf2b3f74da81e73.jpg)
- I definitely would
- Maybe sometimes I would
- No I wouldn't
Do you ever experience déjà vu?
![Do you ever experience déjà vu?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/86238e1a5abacd2d7529.jpg)
- All the time
- Maybe once or twice
- No I haven't