Which Cat Breed Are You?
Which Cat Breed Are You?
Which fluffy feline represents you?
How long would you say it takes you to get ready in the morning?

- About 5 minutes
- About half an hour
- About an hour
- More than an hour
- I'm not sure
Favorite activity?

- Sleeping
- Running
- Watching tv
- Eating
- Other
What is your hair length?

How would your friends describe you?

- Aloof
- Charming
- Rugged
- Unique
- Playful
How talkative are you?

- Very talkative
- Not the most talkative
- Very quiet
Would you say you're a curious person?

Would you say you can jump pretty high?

- Absolutely
- I can jump averagely
- I can't jump high at all
What would you say your best characteristic is?

- My body
- My looks
- My intelligence
- My attitude
- Other
Are you more introverted or extroverted?

Are you a fan of the outdoors?

- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Definitely