What Is Your Cheerful Score?
f03daaa What Is Your Cheerful Score? What Is Your Cheerful Score? Are you super cheery all of the time or a Debbie downer? Depending on your level of cheerfulness can depend on if people want to be in your company. Take this quiz to find out your cheerful score!

If someone accidentally bumped into you, how would you handle it?

If someone accidentally bumped into you, how would you handle it?
  • I would smile, say, "excuse me" and keep walking.
  • I would wait for them to say excuse me and if they didn't make them
  • I would just keep walkling
  • I probably wouldn't notice and keep walking happily down the road
  • I would bump into them to show them how it feels

If your friend needed to borrow money, would you let them?

If your friend needed to borrow money, would you let them?
  • Of course and I wouldn't ask for it back. That's what friends do
  • Depends on my mood
  • Sure!
  • Maybe, but they would have to give it back
  • I don't let anyone borrow money
  • None of these

Do you look at the glass half-empty or half-full?

Do you look at the glass half-empty or half-full?
  • Half-full
  • Depends on my mood
  • Half-empty
  • Not sure

Do you walk around with a chip on your shoulder?

Do you walk around with a chip on your shoulder?
  • Never! Life is good
  • No
  • Sometimes. Depends on my mood
  • Not sure
  • Yes. There is nothing to be happy about

What do your friends and family think of your attitude?

What do your friends and family think of your attitude?
  • They think I'm super happy
  • That I'm kind and considerate
  • That I'm mean and angry
  • That I'm grumpy but only sometimes and nice the other times
  • Not sure

What is one thing you wish you could do better?

What is one thing you wish you could do better?
  • Be a better person overall
  • Give back to the less fortunate
  • Smile more
  • Nothing. I'm perfect
  • I'd rather not say
  • Not sure

If you had one wish, what would it be?

If you had one wish, what would it be?
  • To be a happier person
  • World peace
  • For everyone to leave me alone
  • For people to be happier
  • Not sure

What would be your ideal vacation?

What would be your ideal vacation?
  • Somewhere super fun with my loved ones
  • Some place tropical with lots of fun energetic people around
  • Some place alone and secluded
  • Not sure

What is one thing that makes you really happy?

What is one thing that makes you really happy?
  • Happy people
  • Being alone
  • Good food and people around me
  • Not sure

What is one thing that makes you really angry?

What is one thing that makes you really angry?
  • Mean people
  • Unfair people
  • People that are too happy
  • A lot of things
  • Not sure