What Kind Of Mom Are You?
f319033 What Kind Of Mom Are You? What Kind Of Mom Are You? Do you know exactly what kind of mother you are? Are you strong and demanding or soft and sweet? Take these 10 questions and find out what kind of Mom you truly are!

Which do you think kids need more, rewards for good behavior or punishment for bad?

Which do you think kids need more, rewards for good behavior or punishment for bad?
  • Rewards
  • Punishment
  • You need both to create balance

Unfortunately, your child is bogged down with a ton of homework this week. You don't know if they can handle it all. What do you do?

Unfortunately, your child is bogged down with a ton of homework this week. You don't know if they can handle it all. What do you do?
  • I complete some of it for them
  • I tell them to buckle down and get it done
  • I assist them when they struggle but let them do it
  • Call the teachers and complain
  • Tell them to get as much done as they can
  • Other

Your teenage daughter wants to attend an unsupervised concert with friends you haven't met before. What do you do?

Your teenage daughter wants to attend an unsupervised concert with friends you haven't met before. What do you do?
  • I let them go
  • Ask to meet the friends first
  • Let her go but have her check in every hour
  • Tell them there is no way you're letting them go
  • Ask if you can tag along
  • Other

How involved do you believe a parent should be in the decisions of a college aged child?

How involved do you believe a parent should be in the decisions of a college aged child?
  • Very involved
  • Somewhat involved
  • Not involved at all

Would you ever let a child under the age of 12 ride the subway or take public transit by themselves?

Would you ever let a child under the age of 12 ride the subway or take public transit by themselves?
  • Absolutely I trust their judgement
  • No way that's too risky
  • Only after I had ridden with them on the exact route a few times
  • Other

Your teenager wants to throw a high school party at your house. How do you react?

Your teenager wants to throw a high school party at your house. How do you react?
  • Laugh and tell them no
  • Ask them how many kids they want to invite
  • Compromise and allow it if you can supervise
  • Offer to buy the drinks
  • Other

Your child's teacher has contacted you concerning their grades. How do you handle it?

Your child's teacher has contacted you concerning their grades. How do you handle it?
  • I get them a tutor
  • I watch them like a hawk to see if they're doing their work
  • I offer to help them study
  • I blame the teacher
  • Other

What's the best way to spend a rainy Saturday with your kids?

What's the best way to spend a rainy Saturday with your kids?
  • Netflix and fresh cookies
  • Crafting something cool
  • Making them study
  • Board games and puzzles
  • Cooking and backing together

How would you feel on your child's first day of school?

How would you feel on your child's first day of school?
  • Proud
  • Worried
  • Anxious
  • Confident
  • Relived
  • Other

The best part of having children is.....

The best part of having children is.....
  • Watching them grow up and thrive
  • All of the funny/tender moments
  • Raising them to be good people
  • Watching them succeed
  • Being their friend
  • Other